Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Every Other Thursday Night


Title: Every Other Thursday Night
Author: Marielle Snow
Publisher: Self-Published

Rating: 4 *s

Description: While Lyza longs to be the brazen, enchanting flirt she was before tragedy struck and she lost her beloved soulmate, she never dreamed that a mischievous match-making friend would drag her out to an epic Valentine's Day event.

Heather hoped to make up for exposing an explicit story Lyza wrote starring her family doctor, Carey Porter.

Little does Lyza know that this steamy event will start a tantalizing journey full of hurt and longing as she attempts to move on from the haunting memory of her devoted husband, Nate. Sparks fly between Carey and Lyza, tossingWhile Lyza longs to be the brazen, enchanting flirt she was before tragedy struck and she lost her beloved soulmate, she never dreamed that a mischievous match-making friend would drag her out to an epic Valentine's Day event.

Heather hoped to make up for exposing an explicit story Lyza wrote starring her family doctor, Carey Porter.

Little does Lyza know that this steamy event will start a tantalizing journey full of hurt and longing as she attempts to move on from the haunting memory of her devoted husband, Nate. Sparks fly between Carey and Lyza, tossing them both into unexpected realms.

Can Lyza leave it at the sultry one-night stand she came out for? Will Dr. Porter allow her to slip away?

With skeletons in their closets, Lyza and Carey are lonely in different ways but old enough to know better than to expose their hearts for mere desire.

But will those walls built up by past hurts keep them from taking a risk on something extraordinary?

If you enjoy passionate and suspenseful books about chasing the hope for lust, passion, and love later in life, then you'll surely enjoy Lyza's wanton journey in this provocative tale.them both into unexpected realms.

Can Lyza leave it at the sultry one-night stand she came out for? Will Dr. Porter allow her to slip away?

With skeletons in their closets, Lyza and Carey are lonely in different ways but old enough to know better than to expose their hearts for mere desire.

But will those walls built up by past hurts keep them from taking a risk on something extraordinary?

If you enjoy passionate and suspenseful books about chasing the hope for lust, passion, and love later in life, then you'll surely enjoy Lyza's wanton journey in this provocative tale.

My Review: Every Other Thursday starts off slow but the build up is so worth it. Lyza's best friend Heather invites her to an exclusive Valentine's Day event. Little does she know her best friend is up to no good and playing match maker.

What unfolds is something that even Lyza didn't see coming. The events to follow throw both her and Carey into a loop that neither saw coming.

Both have their own walls up for their protection. Will those walls prevent them from progressing into their relationship?

I absolutely adored this story. I would love to see a follow up into more of Lyza and Carey's adventures. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Lyza let go and just enjoy herself!

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