Wednesday, May 1, 2024

I See You Charlotte


Title: I See You, Charlotte
Author: Coralee Taylor
Publisher: Self-Published

Rating: 5 *s

Description: I thought I had it all. At the end of my junior year, I met the love of my life - the dark boy with the secret notebook who saw me like no one else did.

But as secrets unravel and betrayals mount, my world was shattered.

With a new, mysterious southern boy vying for my heart and my best friend moving far away, I leapt into a downward spiral from which there's no return.

My inner demons have always haunted me, but this time... they may win.

In this gripping tale of love, betrayal, and personal demons, Charlotte's journey takes a dark turn that will leave you breathless.

My Review: I See You, Charlotte breaks you apart, puts you back together, and then breaks you apart again all while healing you. It vocalizes the daily struggle to be enough. I have loved seeing authors place more focus on books dealing with mental health in a relatable way. If I would have had stories like this when I was younger I wouldn't have felt so alone during my school years.

I read this in one sitting. I couldn't put it down. I cried for Charlotte and just wanted to wrap her in my arms and tell her it does get better. I See You, Charlotte will forever resonate with me and it is a series that I know I will want to buy physical copies of and have my own daughter read when she's old enough.

I can't wait for book two in this series. Coralee Taylor has gained a forever fan!

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